You're Welcome and Thank YOu!

Hello everyone!

The ‘age defying’ blogs on this page, are about random things and thoughts that come into my head. They are the things that turn the ‘light bulb’ inside the text bubble. I’ll take you to my silly to serious world of weird looking shoes, jealousy rant on things, current events, motherhood, children, crazy family and a lot more. You may find some of my posts ‘kooky’, and you might find me as one. But, life is too short to be so serious. So, I am sharing you these posts, which I think you may enjoy.

Just go ahead. It’s time to destroy some game!

Minions assemble!

Monday 31 October 2011

Lonely on Halloween

My heart's aching...
People feel lonely on Valentine's and that's accepted.
But to feel lonely on halloween, I think I created the problem myself.
Oh well, ces't la vie....

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