You're Welcome and Thank YOu!

Hello everyone!

The ‘age defying’ blogs on this page, are about random things and thoughts that come into my head. They are the things that turn the ‘light bulb’ inside the text bubble. I’ll take you to my silly to serious world of weird looking shoes, jealousy rant on things, current events, motherhood, children, crazy family and a lot more. You may find some of my posts ‘kooky’, and you might find me as one. But, life is too short to be so serious. So, I am sharing you these posts, which I think you may enjoy.

Just go ahead. It’s time to destroy some game!

Minions assemble!

Sunday 11 December 2011

Apple's new personal assistant- "SIRI" The Other Woman!

The new iPhone 4S had its launch the day before the death of its great innovator, Steve Jobs.
Apple once again made a phenomenal hit with the iPhone 4S in technology markets.
What's interesting and what's so geeky about it?  "Siri"-the intelligent personal assistant who helps you get things done by just asking and giving it soem orders. Siri's voice lives in the phone while her head is in 'the clouds'.
I know this is outdated. But, here's something to share on how Siri can make a woman feel if her man resorts to Siri in asking for directions, agenda reminders, the weather, and other information.
What else does Siri know? Does it have the capability to answer silly and unimportant questions?

Here's a video of how things can get serious with the 4S and how I tried beating it up..


Talking to Siri and evaluating how artificial intelligence has intruded lives.



I hate you Siri! - since I don't have one....

Friday 18 November 2011

Oops.....Benetton Shocks Them Again

United Colours of Benetton is not new to controversy when it comes to advertising.  Benetton's ads over the years have always been excellent and thought provoking with its campaign on culture and ethnicity.

The question is: Is the real purpose for these ads to"battle the culture of hate in all it's forms"?
Is it inducing extensive mockery in individuals through advertising?

From an artistic view point,  these images show how the art of  technology can alter a person's perception on things and especially a situation. 

"constructive provocation" intended "to give widespread visibility to an ideal notion of tolerance"
"chooses social issues and actively promotes humanitarian causes that could not otherwise have been communicated on a global scale"

"The central theme is the kiss, the most universal symbol of love, between world political and religious leaders."

(Truthfully, religious leaders kiss the hands; politicians do kiss @$$*$ not the cheeks or lips!)

Monday 14 November 2011

Political "Boxing"

It was in 2004 that I have stopped voting and have stopped registering as a voter at home. Nothing will change my stand on this abstinence as some people (politicians, businessmen, are getting more acquisitive.

Political Boxing 1
Last weeks feedback on Philippine politics was that the president of the Philippines is offering financial help to the former lady president with her medical expenses. Ironic! What is he thinking? Poverty is discernible in my home country. Ex madam president is now in hot water for corruption and she is seeking political asylum in Brazil. And now this!
She can afford to have her own hospital built if she wants to and hire the best specialists for her deteriorating health. Well I'm talking about the astronomical figure that was pocketed during her period in office. Why not use it?

Political Boxing 2
The world renowned and most celebrated boxer is Filipino. He is a politician. Don't wonder how he got into the business of politics. 
Congressman Manny Pacquiao won the fight against Juan Marquez at the MGM Grand in Vegas. How much was he paid for the punches? A whopping 20 million US dollars. 
Fair enough. He was punched left and right in the 12 rounds. 
Honestly, it was 4 fights prior to the recent one that I started looking forward for his defeat. I am Filipino and I should be proud. But I am not! 200 tickets to the fight were handed out to Filipino politicians. It's absurd! 
I know I sound so vehement with the things I am writing here. These figures in politics should know better. 

Let's put christmas right in front of us. It's the time to give and share the happiness. This thought doesn't help at all. The less fortunate people are being set aside and into the gutter.

Friday 11 November 2011

SHoes that kiCk and Kill ( Ladies !)

I love shoes, heeled shoes that look sexy on me and I have pairs which I can't wear. That agonising walk on the cobbled path in college green made me decide not to wear them for the time being.Well, it's because I'd be comfortably warm wearing a pair of boots or my UGG-ly pair.

This morning, I came across these photos of  'The Weirdest Shoes'. Indeed they are weird!
One by one I assess each pair with what I think of when I see them.
Will the ladies dare slip into a pair?

Dr. Scholl didn't go wrong with footcare. 

Paleontologist Cinderella 

Dr. Scholl, this needs your attention!

This can go with a mask

Avril Lavin has got fangs!

This probably came from an Alabaster shop in Greece

Oops! Gulliver just stepped on Liliput's safari

Wardrobe Overhaul for the Black Widow

CHuck Taylor Jeggings!

Mole does it

Paris Hilton's Chihuahua

Scabbed Shoes

Stepped on Frozen Gum?

Devils Hooves

This pair I call SLIP-PERS!

Fabulous Porcupine! I wonder if this is 'licensed'...

Thursday 10 November 2011

Assignment Week Productivity

I went to good schools at home; and honestly, this is my first time to encounter this educational system.
Which is not bad. It puts me on track. Though it makes me wonder if I have been a gully. Where the hell was I went I went to 3 years in college at home?
Woh! Well maybe I am just outdated. 
This assignment week, made me productive but cranky!  I never thought I'd be able to make an essay of 2,500 words. Are you kidding me? It's easier to talk than to use my pen or type away.

As I was taking down notes for my sociology assignment, the thought of my dog popped into my head.
What does a dog have to do with understanding society?
I thought of Calvin the mean dog and Gromit my golden retriever. Hmmmm....Calvin doesn't socialise coz he bites, or maybe he does. How about that neighbours dog he impregnated? He couldn't keep it between his legs. Is it socialising or he's just being a 'narcissist' for a dog?
Gromit seems to be suffering from social exclusion. Calvin is doing it to him since Gromit pathetically doesn't know how to woe a female dog. He's not as crazy as Calvin. 
I don't know where this is heading to but I am still trying to organise my thoughts on sociology.
 Pathethic and humble
Mean Dog! Stupid Calvin!

Monday 7 November 2011


It's almost school break and the plan is to go home and spend 2 weeks with the family (BIG).
Diving is expected. OF course! I am tropical. 
The dive shops always say "dive with a smile".  I'm quite nervous about this.

Anyway, here's my story...
After that mishap -oh no nothing serious, I just drifted off to sleep in the lull hours while driving ; I had the second accident 3 months ago.  
( reminiscing...taking things into account.......)

We had a share of a nice sunny weather in Bohol. On a boat in Arkow Point; my turn to put on my rented BCD, regulator check ( I knew something was wrong with the device since my first dive.)
But, I can't wait to submerge and just get it over with. It's beautiful down there. Equalizing was difficult during my first dive and was worse on the second. Still I am fearless.

The night before, I told Tim, my only buddy that I will be a good dive buddy this time. No wandering away and make myself feel so at home like I am Triton's daughter. I briefed him that if he notices that I am starting to go astray, he should give my fin a little tug. That worked out well.

At 15 meters, I found it hard to breathe. Setting the feeling aside, I went on and made myself feel better. It started again after 10 minutes at 20 meters. " Suck in more air, focus, don't pass out...". The oxygen from my tank seemed not to do anything. I had this urge to taky my mask off and breathe through my nose. " Do not panic. Breathe ..."
I exhaled air through my nose, trying to see if it will work. But to no avail....I tapped Tim on the shoulder and made the thumb-up sign ( I want to go back up). I pointed to my regulator. I looked him in the eyes and just looked and wondered if he saw my wide-eyed fear. 
That poisonous sea snake below me didn't totally scare me at all ( I fear snakes so much) or maybe I didn't mind it anymore as I was struggling with my life.
I was very scared that any second I'd just go as the equipment which is supposed to supply me with air was just not very helpful.

I turned to the divemaster and gave him the same hand signal. So, we slowly made our controlled ascent.

Not one of the men who was with me was aware of the real thing. It was only God and me who knows what's happening and that the worse is bound to happen at some point in time. I kept breathing hard but still...My whole body started to feel numb, I felt my heart skip beats. I held on to the divemaster's hand, and kept looking back at Tim. He was behind me assisting me with my tank. My right arm extended and reached out to him. We held hands. I squeezed his hand for a time. For some, squeezing somebody's hand means they are okay.
But in my situation that time, it was telling him that I need help and I am in trouble. I needed to know that he's there with me. 
God, I have my children who needs me....

I wanted to cry coz I know if I pass out, I will go. But no time for tears as it will make the situation more difficult.At 10 meters, I closed my eyes, just let my body afloat and let the men guide me. When I was on the surface and took my mask off and right away got rid of the regulator. The divemaster told me to splash water on my face as there was blood. 

Thank God I felt the atmosphere again and the breath of life. I was on medication for a swollen eardrum. 
I will still dive....but I'd be more careful the next time.


I want HD, 3D!
And I want a Mapple! :)

Okay an iPod!

Thursday 3 November 2011

Something to follow-Within Temptations New ALbum Concept

I love listening to Within Temptation.

The band Within Temptation gained recognition from past albums: Enter, Mother Earth, The Silent Force, and The Heart of Everything. Numerous songs from their previous albums are soundtracks in movies and video games. With the likeness of the genre of Evanescence, Sharon den Adel, the vocalist, comes with a distinction in vocal prowess.
After the Heart of Everything and topping it up with their breakthrough song “Ice Queen”, from the album Mother Earth, Within Temptation is back with their latest album under Roadrunner records. “The Unforgiving”, is a rare collaboration of music and story telling in song production. This album takes a different approach as each track was written hand in hand with the narrative of a comic book series written by Steven O’Connell who wrote BloodRayne & Dark 48.
The 12 tracks talk of an enigmatic and spellbinding tale of life, love, wrath, retribution and lament that could blow your thoughts away.
The single “Faster”, had its worldwide premiere on 96.3 Rock Radio early this year. This song is likeably a fusion of the styles of Metallica and Heart. Having this as a track helps set the state of mind for the story of the prequel issue of the comics.





Click on link below for more details about the album

Monday 31 October 2011

Lonely on Halloween

My heart's aching...
People feel lonely on Valentine's and that's accepted.
But to feel lonely on halloween, I think I created the problem myself.
Oh well, ces't la vie....

Saturday 29 October 2011

Mother, mother bends the rules!

How's that?
I was exchanging text messages with my mom and she said something that my son's girlfriend seems to be a good influence on him. Then she went on saying her heart goes out to the girl coz just like me and my kids, her parents are separated. She said she wants to "adopt' her. I've nothing against the kid. It's just that it will accelerate grandparenthood for me. Well, I'm being pessimistic.
It makes me feel awkward.

I am a cool mom but I can be tough with critical situations. Like, seeing your kids already grown and the horrifying thought of them getting into relationships! Oh no!!!
The reality here is even if I want to have some control over the situation , I can't do so much since  I am far away from home. My ever loving mother is there for them most of the time and is making things easier. My bickering is uninvited.
Jerry, my 16 year old son removed me as a friend on Facebook because he is so afraid that I'd post an upbraiding message for him, and my daughter did that too.
No, I don't do that. I love them and I want the best for them....

 My "siblings"not offsprings...
Unica hija
She's wearing the dress I've never worn!

Friday 28 October 2011


Michelle to Tim:  See the brighter side.If u won't lose it, that's good. If u will, it could be a blessing in disguise. Don't worry so much. It's all written on the palm of your hand.

Tim to Michelle: There is just some ball point pen ink and tomato sauce from lunch there,but I'll keep looking

Michelle: Are u talking to me? If u are, yes u have to keep looking. But, what has a pen have to do with tomato sauce? Haha. That's the first time I heard of that idiomatic expression. It's a simile.
Oh it sounds more like a metaphor...It's not a simile. Cheer up love!

Tim: You said it was on the palm of my hand and I said all I could see was some ink from a pen and tomato sauce...So much for my joke.

Michelle: And I took it seriously! Silly! I even looked for it in the glossary of British and English words...Jesus Christ!

Suggestion....Have a software for mobile phones that would say you're not reading right. 

A pen is a pen. Tomato sauce come from tomatoes.
If you see the stains on your palm; You may have held the pen the incorrect way. And, for tomato sauce it's either you had stew or pasta for lunch.

"It is the mind that complicates the situation."

-Michelle M.

THis shirt says:


Monday 24 October 2011

GPS-needs a more interactive voice!

What TOMTOM didn't come up with:

We went for a drive to the mall yesterday. I was sitting in front and "I will never be able to drive here."
The roundabouts just confuse me. At home, I am a traffic violator and can be categorised as one of "them crazy drivers!"
So, my partner and I always have this challenge of taking a different route and trying to see where it takes us. But not without a GPS to be safe and in case we will end up really lost.
"Light bulb!" An idea came into my head.
How about a new range of voice options for the Tomtom?
A child's voice, a girlfriends voice and a nagging wife's banter. Heavy!

Imagine yourself driving and instead of hearing the usual "after 400 meters turn left and cross the roundabout, second exit, you'll hear your child's voice.

Just an example:

Karate kid says,

This is not the way to the mall! Turn around when possible!  

How about a girlfriend or a boyfriends voice?
200 meters and you will be at your destination. Duffy's Pub :)


Where are you going? You are driving too fast! Over-speeding!

You are 10 minutes late, you're just a hundred meters from the house! You should have reached your destination.

I see you looking at her. What are you doing? I don't care if she's crossing the street!

Slow down! ( loud)

Serves someone right.....

Sunday 23 October 2011

Change of plan!

I spent the whole weekend with a pang of jealousy! What I wanted to do was hop on a plane and join my family in celebrating my cousin's wedding. Marvelous, apart from the bad dreams that I had for two successive morning, Argghh!
Every girl has her dream wedding. I thought I've outgrown that as I am "mature" enough to understand the economic crisis (recession) blah!
But then, it all dawned that I want a nice wedding! A wedding, where I'd look as dainty as a princess, with my whole family. But not the approximate 400 around. 
How much? 10,000 euros by Philippines standards. 
At lunchtime, my fiancé asked me why I look glum.
"Yes, yes I am. I'm jealous, I am homesick, and I want to join the fun with my crazy family. "
He said, I'll have mine soon. :)

I will! And I am going to wear a dress. 

Friday 21 October 2011

News, news, and news...

From the arrest of Bella Ruby Santos, Family Massacre in Cebu Phils. and "QADDAFI'S DEATH"

I have been reading articles about Qaddafi/ Gaddafi Dead. A grand revelry for the rebels and the Libyan it is. I'm not Libyan and do I care much? No, just a little bit. My inquisitiveness drove me to watch video footages of Qaddafi's capture. In the videos, Seeing his physical state, I saw "just a man", not a dictator. A father, a grandfather to his offsprings and grandkids. A once leader, but then a victim of his own greed for power. If you think of that side of him, you'll feel compassion and say it's not fair to have the clip streamed. It's not something his loyalists will celebrate. Even more his family. But, I do understand that it's the work of the media to let the people know that his death is not staged; and give proof especially to those who are victims of the political staunch in Libya. Tyrants have similar patterns of dying. They die the same way.

It is not the end. Qaddafi's death could be a presage to civil war.
The big question is...
Who takes over? With what happened in the last months, who will gain control? Who want's to be in control?
Demobilisation will be a task too difficult as there has been prevalent arms proliferation.

- Who is Bella Ruby Santos?
I say she is a FATHER MOCKER. Why?
She had an arrest warrant but eluded the authorities of Cebu City, and strolled the country merry-making, enjoying the agony of the victimised family.
In the early days of the investigation of the crime, she spat out words right in front of prosecutors, members of the media and most painful of all to the murdered girls father. "It's karma that your daughter's dead!"
Her behaviour right in front of these people won't save her and didn't make her look good even if they may have wrongfully picked her out as a suspect.
She thinks she is someone whose money can buy people.
Maybe she's innocent, but she mocked the LAW.

-Family Massacre in Cebu
Residents in Talisay City, Cebu are still in shock about what happened to a whole family.
Son of a gun ( R.I.P.). The father killed 3 of his children, his wife, and a househelp.
Only one child was spared; his youngest daughter. Poor girl, it is unfair for her to be left in an unexplainable realm.
In truthfulness, I don't want to elaborate on this story. It's sad and scary.
One thing I've learned though, with the father turning the gun on himself after shooting everyone, it's suicide. What type?
Emile Durkheim has the theory.

Wednesday 19 October 2011


Okay, this is the next destination. From Macau, we cross the border of Macau and Zhuhai and then you are in the world's most populated country. All you have to do is "buy"a visa anywhere in Macau or Hongkong to go there. I have spent 3 months in China, hopping from one city to another. Do you know that they have their own version of Hawaii there? That's Sanya, in the Hainan province. I lived the life of a rockstar, singer,performer or whatever I may call myself that time. The Golden Palm Resort is one of the nicest hotels to work for. Food was good, staff are friendly and easy sets. The guests weren't just Chinese, there were several Europeans and Americans as well.
I remember those Russian couples who offered me a drink. OMG! Can you just imagine having a glass full ( not a shot) of Stolinchnaya? I went bananas that night and so did they. I wasn't able to go back on stage because I was too inebriated to hold a tune.
Roaming the streets in China specially in the evening is impelling. The night markets and food stalls that go alive on the streets is such a sight.

Saturday 15 October 2011

I Am Taking You To Macau

The Oyster Mirror
During my stay in Hongkong, I hopped on a ferry to Macau. I was there when the Wynn Hotel was inaugurated. Venitian and The Sands were still under construction by then. Macau is best known as the Las Vegas of Asia. Gambling is big in the island and plays a significant role in its economy.
The Ruins of Saint Paul is a sight to see. When in Macau, first thing you will notice are the signs which tells direction in Chinese and Portuguese vernaculars. Both languages is Macau's official language as it was once under the Portuguese settlement.
Most of the old edifices in Macau are of portuguese design. As you walk the streets you'd clearly be able to distinguish European architecture.
I would say that a day of treading the cobbled pathways in Macau is worth the money and a fantastic thing to do if you want to feel like you are in Portugal or in a European realm.

Friday 14 October 2011

My Little Big Planet From A- Zeyyyy

As it is October, I am in a nostalgic mood. It's been 5 years since my first trip out of my country.
Now I want to start something worth writing. This is about my travels to different places all of the world.

October 2006

HONGKONG- East Meets West

It was interesting to be in a place where people from a different culture. The Chinese in Hongkong have so much influence from the Westerners. The moment I set foot, I smell  modernisation mixed with tradition. Hongkong was once under the British colony, and that has impacted on their culture. Anybody who goes there will visibly witness the industrialisation the country went through. The whole place is an entertainment center. I was in a bit of a luck as I stayed in a hotel right across Hongkong Central. The panoramic view was magnificent at night.The city lights in Kowloon is also fun to look at. I was walking around in the evening wide eyed and ecstatic in the rush. Weekends in HK Central is entertaining. The whole park is filled with mostly Filipinos because aturday is a big get together day for them. 
There are wonderful spots to see in HK when you want to go explore the place. There's Victoria's Peak, Ocean Park and of course Disneyland HK is always in one's itinerary.
 The one thing I enjoyed most during my stay there was the nightly craic and love love love the shopping!
Haggle, haggle. That's what most people do.
If I'd have the time, I'd go back and revisit Hongkong.

A Morning With Madonna

Having a sandwich and reading my printed notes for tomorrows tutorials was kind of blaaahh... specially on a grey day.I was inside Arthur's Restaurant to make use of my free time; with music playing in the background I was just humming along and fighting for my attention not to be taken away from what I was reading, or am I just trying too hard? 
"If I run away, I'd never have the strength to go very far."  I had to stop what I was doing and sang along with Madonna. Madonna! When was the last time I heard or have listened to her songs on the radio or watch her music videos? I loved Madonna in "my time." All the music in her albums (not when she started practising Kaballah), I know by heart and can sing without the lyrics. 
Time passed and I have to go to my class...oh well...
I got out of the restaurant with a huge grin on my face.
Thumbs up to Arthur's Restaurant! I had a blithesome morning singing with Madonna.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Where Are My Minions?

It was a long day but a very good one. One thing I have learned about being away from home is the strength of the word NEVER. 
Never give up, never say no, never say "I'm only or I'm just", and best of all never say NEVER. 
I spent twenty minutes of my time talking to my family back home. Gracias to technology! Mac is for Facetime. 
Calling my minions is always a delight.
I sound like the mean Gru on Despicable Me. 

Minions assemble! 

"Where is Joshua? How's Marco doing in school? Has Mari got a boyfriend now? Is Jerry in school?". Questions that I ask every time I demand their presence. 
Hmm. I am a cool mom. I know I am. 
But where are my other minions? Only two showed up.
Those two! Modernisation, technology, socialisation or whatever it is that's keeping them busy and have changed them.
The world is just a click away. That's what they don't get. 
Do you remember how we get upbraided by our parents in the old times? We just bow our heads down and listen to what they have to say. No talking back! That's the rule.
These days, we may not hear them talk back. But thanks to technology! 
They can say the meanest thing to you from the tips of their fingers.